Have you been looking for more ways to engage with the Urban and Community Forestry Society (UCFS)? Do you have a passion for seeing the profession of urban forestry grow, helping get the word out about this membership society, or helping your fellow urban forestry peers reach their professional development goals? If so, we’d love to have you join one of UCFS’s committees!
UCFS is looking for new members for several committees, including four new committees. The organization is growing and evolving, and we need member’s help and guidance to achieve our big goals. The various committees will take an active role in achieving UCFS’s 2023-2023 Strategic Plan, providing guidance to UCFS Board and staff on key issues, as well as helping form and develop new ideas and initiatives. UCFS members, who are the boots on the ground delivering daily tree stewardship, are essential to ensuring UCFS can best support all members and the profession. We need and want to hear from you to help guide the organization. If you’re ready to start serving, review the following committees and then head over to the Committee Interest Form to submit your interest. Thank you!
Young and Emerging Professionals
New committee – The committee’s mission is to engage young and emerging professionals age 35 and under. UCFS has a large student membership-base and the organization has a goal to grow the next generation of urban foresters, this committee will allow UCFS to hear and learn from the leaders of tomorrow while providing young and emerging professionals and opportunity to grow.
Basic Function: Identify and recommend opportunities for young professionals to be involved and identify the support they need most.
Estimated Time Commitment: Varies. Estimated 1-2 hours per month
Industry Trends
New committee – The goals of this committee are to advise on and monitor the trends impacting the urban forestry and municipal arboriculture profession. The committee serves as a sounding board for the UCFS staff to help provide guidance when asked about the stance of membership on certain issues. The committee can provide guidance on any number of things such as BMPs, standards, strategic partnerships, etc. Effort is taken to recruit people from various populations, regions, etc. so that broad member representation is maintained.
Accreditation (falls under Industry Trends)
The Accreditation committee develops a marketing plan and increases the visibility of the UCFS Accreditation program and its principles. The ideal committee members come from an agency accredited through the Accreditation Program. The committee works as a subset of the Industry Trends committee.
Basic Function: This group is in charge of growing and supporting the profession of urban forestry.
Estimated Time Commitment: Varies. Estimated 1-2 hours per month
Professional Development
New committee – The primary mission of the Professional Development committee is to ensure individual UCFS members have the support they need plus pushing the individual to grow to new heights. This group brings together existing committees and programs of Arborist Exchange, Mentoring, MFI, the UCFS Learning Series. The committee supports and pushes for more people to achieve the ISA Municipal Specialist certification and overall support professional certification.
Basic Function: This group is in charge of supporting the growth of UCFS individual members and urban forestry professionals on the whole.
Estimated Time Commitment: Varies. Estimated 1-2 hours per month
The conference committees’ goals are to develop and deliver the programming necessary for UCFS’s annual conference and tradeshow. The committee manages the timeline of events, establishes a conference theme, solicits presentations, supports exhibitors, the silent auction, and the Fun Run. They work with Outreach committee for the annual awards celebration.
Basic Function: Work with the Executive Director to deliver the annual UCFS Conference and Tradeshow in conjunction with the Partners in Community Forestry Conference (Arbor Day Foundation)
Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately 20-30 hours per year.
New committee – The Outreach committee takes a marketing focus to their work. Committee members work to build and promote the UCFS organization and the resources the organization offers to the profession and professionals. This committee advises on the membership structure, supports and welcomes new members, supports the annual UCFS award process, and any other efforts that would support the recruitment of new members and support current members.
Basic Function: Promotion of UCFS and support of members.
Estimated Time Commitment: Varies. Estimated 1-2 hours per month
The Nominations Committee follows the election schedule as laid out in UCFS’s bylaws, promotes the opportunity for UCFS Board service, and seeks nominees for open Board member positions and proposes a slate of candidates for President, Vice-President and Treasurer positions.
Basic Function: Identify and recommend potential Board members, coordinate election procedures.
Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately 10 hours per year